SoulWorks, Inc
( ISWI )
"Lizards" winner of the Cecile DeJongh literary prize. The Caribbean Writer, volume 27
"MacKenzie's Flight" fiction finalist, the 41st New Millennium Writers Literary Award
"Manito the Mathematician's Son" Aoife's Kiss, 8th anniversary issue
"The Girl Who Lost Her Magic" Beyond Centauri, October 2008
"The Rock Climber" Cabinet des Fees, volume 1, no. 3
Speed Date with Destiny: An Ascension Soap Opera (co-author with Mooslie Wiggins)
Short Fiction
"Neither beautiful nor clever
Harsh and cutting as the wind
My words are fickle as the weather
And not so easy to defend."
— lyrics from "Words" by LJ Swanson
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Of Wand and Earth, Marshall,NC
West Village Mkt, W Asheville NC
CranioSacral Therapy Asheville, Asheville, NC
The author, W Asheville, NC